Seidl Titania (1988)

Titania Seidl zostáva verná maľbe olejovými farbami a občasne vytvára aj drobné objekty. Plnohodnotne však pracuje i s textom (či už v názvoch obrazov, alebo vo forme samostatne stojacich poviedok), ktorým približuje vnímanie svojho najbližšieho okolia. Absolvovala štúdium maľby na Universität für angewandte Kunst vo Viedni, kde aktuálne pôsobí ako asistentka. Od roku 2012 vedie spoločne s Lukasom Thalerom vo Viedni galerijný priestor Mauve. Absolvovala umeleckú rezidenciu v Kofu, Japonsko (2014) a študijný pobyt v Newcastle upon Tyne (2010/11). V roku 2018 bola nominovaná na cenu Strabag Art Award.


white shirt dreams of Brueghel flowers

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

white shirt dreams of Brueghel flowers

nothing is more ridiculous than the fashions of yesterday

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

nothing is more ridiculous than the fashions of yesterday

she wants things not for what they are, but for what she imagines them to change for her

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

she wants things not for what they are, but for what she imagines them to change for her

like a middle-class maiden (flower still life no. 2)

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

like a middle-class maiden (flower still life no. 2)

the lack of dignity in moving fast

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

the lack of dignity in moving fast

don´t torture yourself with doubt

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

don´t torture yourself with doubt

she just smiled vaguely to cover her embarrassment

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

she just smiled vaguely to cover her embarrassment

His unacknowledged craving for drama

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

His unacknowledged craving for drama

The cruelty of being kind

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

The cruelty of being kind

The painter & the rectangle (how to turn a labour of love into currency)

Anything goes
23 Jan 2019

The painter & the rectangle (how to turn a labour of love into currency)

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